Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Blog Post 11: Art Experience

So far, I have had very limited experience with most types of art. My first true art class was not until just this past year. It was not very in depth, lacked term knowledge and was compiled of a series of projects. Sure I learned about clay and drawing from perspective, but I did not learn very much about the art itself. Likewise, I also have not had much practice analyzing artwork, though I do find analyzing songs and other written works quite interesting.

In this project, analyzing a sculpture will be somewhat difficult unless I can tailor the project back toward my interests of symbolism and comparison to other works. Fortunately, I'm fairly decent at somehow finding connections with what I'm looking at to other pieces, objects or events.

All this is not to say I don't have interest in art, because surely I do, but it has never been high on the list of priorities in my life. I enjoy a trip to the art gallery once in awhile as it does interest me, but again, I'm not one for creating it myself. If we wanted to take this extremely liberally, I also like creative writing and most all types of music. Generally, I don't consider these art, but in a sense, they certainly fulfill the idea.

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